Individual Entries organise their own reunions and get-togethers at different venues around the UK and, as has happened, in far-flung places around the world.
Entry Reps are invited to contribute so that others can check the tabs below to find out what your Entry is planning; has been up to (and all about the splendid time they spent at RAF Halton!)
For example:
'The next RAFHAA Triennial Reunion will be held at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire on 2nd July 2025 in conjunction with the unveiling of the new Trenchard Legacy Memorial by Viscount Trenchard. Further details at 'click here'
In the meantime, Entry representatives are invited to publish details of their own Entry gatherings on these pages. Please send details for publication to Clive Brooks (93rd) at
Additionally, if an Entry has their own website, they can post a link here. (You're welcome!)