Trenchard's Legacy Unveiling and Reunion 2025
Joining Instructions!
Where? - The National Memorial Arboretum (NMA), Staffordshire, DE13 7A
Date? - 2nd July 2025
Time? - The NMA is open from 10.00hrs and the event will commence at 11.30hrs.
Cost? - The cost of your pass will include your choice of lunch and car parking fees. For those arriving in a group by bus, the bus parking is free.
10.00-1130hrs Assemble at NMA. Wide range of facilities available. Bring entry flags and congregate by Entry in communal areas.
11.30-1155hrs Congregate in the Halton Grove by entry. Please follow the directions of the marshals.
Midday Flypast, weather and service commitments permitting.
1205-12.30hrs Dedication by Association Padre.
Unveiling and Address by Viscount Trenchard.
Address by Patron RAFHAA Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller KBE (210th Entry).
1230-1245hrs Ex-Apprentices form up behind Golden Oldies by Entries (lower entries first) led by RAFHAA Patron.
March to lunch passing dais where Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Knighton KBE ADC FREng takes the salute. Parade disperses smartly at NMA Canteen.
1245-1430hrs Pre-ordered choices: 3 Course Luncheon and speeches in Aspects restaurant (limited numbers- first come first booked basis).
Casual Canteen lunch - no limit on numbers attending but please book to help with catering arrangements.
1430hrs Disperse.
Register by clicking here , download and print the associated document, then send by email or post to General Secretary Les Shardlow reunion2025@rafhaa.co.uk or address 1 Pipit Gardens, Watermead, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 0GF.
We are not sending out tickets. Wrist bands will be issued on arrival at the NMA check-in point.
Any queries please email the General Secretary at reunion2025@rafhaa.co.uk