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The Stained Glass Windows of St. George's Church (Part 2)

A continuation from part 1

New Zealand Apprentices:

The New Zealand window was designed and made in Blenheim (NZ) by photographer and craftsman Graham Brooks.

It depicts an active volcano at the top above mist shrouded foothills from which a river flows under a stylised Kiwi and the Red, White and Blue flashes representing the RNZAF. The river continues flowing through the verdant rolling hills and plains towards the sea.

The rugby football (separating the years that New Zealand apprentices trained at Halton) is self explanatory.

Burmese Apprentices:

Ceylonese Apprentices:

Pakistani Apprentices:

The window was painted in PAKISTAN, sent to the UK in two pieces, cut down, leaded and installed by UK tradesmen.

Polish Apprentices:

The window displays the Polish Apprentice Cap Band colour, the Insignia carried by Polish Aircraft and the National colours of Poland of White and Red. Prominent is the Polish Air Force Cap badge.

Rhodesian Apprentices:

The window displays in panels at each corner the Rhodesian National flower, the Gloriosa superba (also known as the "Flame Lily").

In the centre is shown the Crest of the Rhodesian Air Force whilst beneath a panel displays the Entry numbers of those in which the Rhodesian Apprentices were trained.

The Victoria Cross:

The George Medal:

The George Cross:

The Great Escape:

Commemorates the 3 former brats who took part in the Great Escape but were caught and later executed by the NAZIS.

Flt. Lt. William Jack Grisman,

23rd Entry- Navigator

Flt. Lt. Edgar Spotiswoode-Humphreys,

25th Entry - Pilot

Flt. Lt. Thomas Barker-Leigh,

32nd Entry - Air Gunner

One Wing:

Three Wing:


The Golden Oldies:

Halton Music:

Military Bands:

The Pipeband:

Lewis - The Goat Mascots:


The Fleet Air Arm:

BAe Systems:

Presented and funded by the company to commemorate the many former brats who worked and still work for BAe Systems.

The window shows the Typhoon II which was just coming into service with the RAF at the time the window was installed.

Marshalls of Cambridge: Presented by the company to commemorate the many former brats who worked and still work at Marshalls. The window features a C-130 Hercules which commemmorates the remarkable effort to convert the Hercules to in-flight refuelling by the fitment of a probe in a few days.

The Chaplains' Branch:


Funded privately by a member of the 53rd Entry who wishes to remain anonymous, in grateful thanks for the gliding instruction he received at Halton which led to his becoming a RAF pilot and subsequently a civil airline captain.

The Drill Instructors:

The LH window of the pair is dedicated to the Administration and Domestic aspects of Brats' stay at Halton.

Reading from the top there are depicted Cross-Country runners; a plaque with an inscription "The Instructors" together with an image of a Bull's Head; a Sergeant DI in the uniform of 2006 and equipped with a pace stick; an Apprentice Bed-space; Sports equipment (Hockey, cricket and football); A Button-Stick, Boot Polish and Mops and Brooms.

At the bottom, the finished article, Apprentices on parade in their Best Blues.

The Schools Instructors:

The RH window of the pair is dedicated to the Education and Workshops aspects of Brats' stay at Halton.

Reading from the top is Kermode Hall; a plaque with an inscription "The Instructors" together with education's flaming torch symbol; A Workshop Instructor before a Blackboard displaying the Mantra "THEIR LIVES IN YOUR HANDS", a message drummed into every apprentice; A pile of text books with paper and pencils; AVM Kermode, the most influential Education Officer in the history of the apprentice scheme.

Shown at the bottom an Engineer's Vice and a 1-inch Micrometer; Apprentices in Forage Caps and Workshop Overalls.


Also known as The Finlay Window this commemorates the achievements of Don Findlay who was in the 12th Entry and subsequently became a pilot. The window shows a true representation of the 1936 Berlin Olympic track silver medal which he won in the 100 yards hurdles with the background colours being those of the 1936 silver medal ribbon. Don was also a Bronze Medal winner in the 1932 games and the Captain of the British team in the 1948 London Olympics.

Barrington Kennett Trophy - Athletics:

Barrington Kennett Trophy - Sports:

The Golf Society: The border of the window shows the colours of all the Wings represented. At the Centre the flagstick of the 18th hole, crossed golf clubs and the Apprentice Wheel.


The windows in the Lady Chapel:

Admin Apprentices:

Locking Apprentices:

Flowerdown and Cranwell Apprentices:

Mother's Union:

49th Entry: This window prominently displays a globe to indicate that apprentices served worldwide after graduation. Tools used during apprentice training are shown, along with the sporting kit to show the wide range of sports available to apprentices. The reference to St Athan is made as the 49th were one of the few entries that effectively did a four-year apprenticeship, as the whole entry was sent there for a further year after graduation to consolidate their Halton training.

Fallen of the 49th:

Rolls Royce:

Presented by Rolls Royce plc to commemorate the many former Halton apprentices who joined the company on leaving the RAF.

RAF Police: This window commemorates the establishment on 1st April 1918, of the first RAF Service Police, at RAF Halton. The first RAF Police School was established here in 1919. The top half of the window shows the RAF Police badge with its motto "Fiat Justitia" (Let Justice be done)". The lower half of the window has the badge of the RAF Police Association (founded in 1984). Its motto "Sodalitis Perpetuus" translates as "Comradeship Forever.


Princess Mary's Nurses:

Dental Apprentices:

Pathology Branch:

The windows in the North Chapel:

142nd Entry:

Japanese Prisoners of War:

Far Eastern Prisoners of War displayed great courage, humour and humanity in their long years of captivity; their close comradeship, maintaining the ‘Halton Sprit’ and the ability to cling on to hope, was undoubtedly a major factor in those lucky enough to survive and a great comfort to those who would never make the long journey home.

235 ex-Apprentices were FEPOWs. Tragically 89 died.


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